More About Indepth


Program Management

  • Each module will be delivered in a three-phased approach: Assess, Design, and Implementation.
  • In-depth will collect data to assess the present state of the process: ‘As-Is’ system. It will collect data from internal organization
    data, industry best practices, benchmarks, one on one key stakeholder interviews, and focus group discussions.
  •  Data collected will be analyzed to design the solution: options and recommendations for solution/solution mix, evaluation criteria
    for proposed solutions, and communication & implementation plan.
  •  On approval of the solution design, In-depth will work with the internal team to implement and institutionalize it.
Module-wise assessment, solution design, and implementation framework
In-depth and Leadership Team
Solution and implementation framework finalization
In-depth, Internal HR team, and Leadership team
Communication and implementation
Internal HR team and In-depth
Handover design process and implementation outputs to the internal team