People Strategy & Change Management

Organizational health and growth are derivatives of a strong performance culture enabled by engagement & communication.

Globalization, millennial mindsets and evolving technology are just some aspects of the dynamic workplace that have fundamentally changed the relationship between organizations and their people. Diverse workforces require flexible, relevant and engaging people and change management strategies that help employees measure their contributions and align their efforts with business objectives.In-depth Consulting offers diagnostics, solutions design and implementation support for HR and people initiatives.

HR Process & Systems

In-depth partners with clients to design and implement end-to-end HR systems and policies such as

  • Rewards and Recognition programs
  • Performance Management Systems
  • HR Policies and Processes

Performance & Rewards

Rewards & recognitions are a great way to celebrate contributions. In-depth has helped organizations implement performance and rewards programs which have received company wide appreciation.

Past engagements include developing and automating performance management programs, conducting compensation surveys as well as restructuring stock options and long-term incentives program.

Here are some reward and recognition programs initiated by In-depth

Client: Leading Business Conglomerate (Mauritius)

  • Restructured the Stock Options and Long-Term Incentives program for the Group.

Effective Execution

  • Conducted a compensation benchmarking survey and gave recommendations on proposed compensation strategy for the Executive Team to the Managing Director & Group HR Head.

Leadership Development and Team Building

  • Developed performance management processes
  • Set KRAs and performance measures for the top 165 executives ( Chairman to Assistant Managers)
  • Automated their performance management system

Find out how in-depth can help you align your compensation and rewards programme to develop a high performance culture.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement not only increases commitment to the organization’s goals and values, but is also instrumental in motivating employees to  contribute towards organizational success. In-depth has worked extensively in this area and has successfully assessed requirements and designed specific solutions, working closely with internal teams.

These include designing and instituting rewards and recognitions programs, goal setting processes as well as talent and career management systems. In-depth has led a number of programmes focussed on people management

In-depth has worked successfully to align talent management initiatives with wider company goals.

Client : Leading education and healthcare organization

Brief : People Management Program covering all managerial / supervisory personnel

The people manager competencies were defined based on industry research and a survey was rolled out for all people managers to assess them on defined competencies. A training program was conducted for all managers based on the development areas identified through the survey. The training program provided inputs on setting goals, feedback, coaching and mentoring.

Client: Healthcare Organization

Brief: Talent Management and Career Planning for Middle Management employees

A Talent Management and Career Management System was designed aligning individual growth to business growth. Key job families and their respective competencies and career paths were created. Progression norms for movement from one career band to another were defined based on knowledge, skill, experience, accreditation, tenure, performance, etc.

The Career Management System was aligned to other progression systems including internal job postings, promotions and succession planning. Potential candidates went through a structured assessment center conducted by internal assessors.

Communications & Change Management

Companies often have to communicate transformations in a way that ensures the teams understand their roles and are motivated by the vision that brought about the transformation. In-depth supports organizations in their efforts to navigate and implement change through several activities. These include communicating the program design to the CEO, business heads and HR head; conducting communication and training programs for employees; organizing company-wide events to run the first cycle of the program.

Our customised communication and change programmes have enabled organizations to bring in large scale changes effortlessly. Would you like to know more?